No Caribana = Bad Trinidadian?

I find myself conflicted about Caribana/Scotiabank Caribbean Carnival.

Actually, no, I don’t. I’m not conflicted at all. I don’t go to Caribana and I have no desire to go. This is apparently strange because as a Trinidadian living in Toronto, that’s one of the first questions I get asked this time of year. My response to the question is generally, “Nope, I don’t go. That probably makes me a bad Trini.”

Pride, Homophobia and Open Secrets

When the question went out about whether we’d write something about minorities and the automatic presumption that most are homophobic, I said, “Sure! I’ll write something.” I just wasn’t sure what to write about since homosexuality was never really discussed when I was growing up.

My parents aren’t homophobic and they raised us the same way. When I thought about homophobia and the gay movement in Trinidad, there are three moments that stand out for me.