What I’ve learned from freelancing

“Freelancing. You spend half your time working and the other half looking for work.” — My neighbour

I’ve always freelanced in some form or another. Sometimes I was paid and sometimes I did it for free (friends, favours, bylines). I’ve always had a job though. There was the protection of a steady paycheque to cushion me against the quirks of freelancing.

Then last August I lost my job. I got a decent severance and I had savings but those never last as long as one would like so I had to do something quickly.

Would you pay towards your friend’s house?

Are you attending a wedding this year? If you’re thinking about getting the happy couple a gift,then forget going to the Bay or Kitchen Stuff Plus orWilliam Ashley.

It’s not about the punch bowl that will never get used or the blender that will collect dust in the cupboard. The new trend in gifts is something that you know they’ll use.

Why? It’s because they’ll be living in it.